The addition of fully automated scanning electron microscopy to the undergraduate biology laboratories at North Hennepin Community College (NHCC) will make possible a level of science instruction at the lower-division that was, before this time, reserved only for upper-division and graduate students. Using an older, manually operated Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), a pilot project with SEM applications for lower-division college students has demonstrated that SEM lab experiences generate a greater interest in and understanding of science subjects. A fully automated, user friendly SEM will permit the following changes to be made in the Biology Department: (1) A new course focusing on techniques in structual biology that includes a student research componen will be added; (2) students studying cell and molecular biology will have enhanced hands-on lab experience in the examination of cellular and tissue structure; (3) all students in introductory biology will have an opportunity for firsthand operation of a SEM -The experience itself and the micrographs produced will supplement other laboratory and lecture materials used for the study of intricate structures; and (4) laboratory demonstrations for visiting secondary school students and opportunities for research projects by visiting college and secondary school educators will increase.