The Electrical Engineering faculty at Lafayette College is rethinking its educational methods and philosophy toward the students' undergraduate experience. This project provides equipment funds as part of a major upgrade to the EE curriculum. Specifically, funds are provided for the establishment of an Integrated Microelectronics Laboratory for junior and senior classes. This laboratory will be configured to support the current offerings in microelectronics and, more importantly, to form a major laboratory component of an innovative curriculum in integrated electronics for undergraduates. The environment will include workshop/laboratory experiences in integrated electronics for the EE undergraduate during all four years of the curriculum. The equipment will be targeted toward undergraduate instruction to bring together effectively, analytical tools, simulation methods, and rapid prototyping strategies needed in the design of microelectronic circuits and systems. This laboratory will be part of a major restructuring of courses and laboratories within the department. The modernization of EE laboratories and the revitalization of pedagogical techniques is expected to provide the necessary motivation for attracting and retaining the attention of electrical engineering graduates.