Florida State University seeks funds to develop a program for the mathematics preparation of preservice middle grades teachers. The purposes of the project are: to plan and implement courses in mathematics learning and teaching and mathematics for prospective middle school mathematics teachers based on problem-centered learning; to construct a model of prospective teachers' cognitive operations in learning; and to develop tasks and protocols for investigating knowledge structures, beliefs, values, and classroom practices of prospective middle school mathematics teachers. Five mathematics courses and two mathematics education courses will be revised or designed as a sequence of experiences which provide opportunities for prospective middle school mathematics teachers to reflect on mathematical knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Using a teaching experiment design, the proposers will construct explanations and models of participants' understanding and beliefs about mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. Faculty from the Mathematics Department and the College of Education will collaborate to develop the programs. There is an in-service component which include area teachers. The dissemination plan includes work with other institutions in Florida and faculty members from the state and the nation. Cost sharing is approximately 10% of the NSF funds.