9351140 Runquist To improve laboratory instruction in the sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics), Hamline University will add high-end workstations with capacity for graphics to support on- going curriculum reform across the sciences. These systems will be introduced into both introductory and advanced laboratory courses and undergraduate research programs of all four science departments. Hamline University has initiated a three-stage plan for introducing high performance computing (HPC) into the undergraduate science curriculum. During Stage 1, which is underway and financed entirely by Hamline University, eight Sun workstations and one server were purchased and connected to Internet, a science faculty training program was initiated, and HPC teaching modules are being developed. During Stage 2, hardware and software holdings will be expanded, teaching modules will be introduced, tested, refined and expanded, cooperative faculty and student HPC-supported research programs with remote institutions will be developed, an HPC-focused science curriculum will be designed, and course content and teaching methodologies will be further modified to incorporate HPC. This proposal requests funds to support Stage 2. During Stage 3, a new science building with an HPC-focused curriculum as its architectural theme will be designed and constructed, and HPC use will be expanded into social science fields. Experiences gained from this program will enable Hamline to serve as a regional HPC/science curriculum resource center.