9351384 Garver An automated stage system for fission-track dating is being used by undergraduate students. Fission-track dating involves determining the density of fossil tracks that have occurred naturally over time in either zircon or apatite crystals. Additionally, however, one needs to determine the amount of uranium in the crystal because track density is proportional to age and uranium concentration. This is accomplished by placing a mica flake over the sample and irradiating the sample to produce spontaneous tracks; the density of spontaneous tracks on the mica flake is proportional to the uranium concentration. The automated stage quickly and precisely moves the microscope stage with an absolute accuracy of 10 m. Given this considerable time savings and ease of use, we are introducing fission-track dating into our Geochemistry classes with projects in which students date prepared samples and interpret their significance. Additionally, the system is being used extensively in our senior thesis program. ***y