9351650 Cocchetto Instrumentation for Data Acquisition and Control This project provides support facilities for an inter- disciplinary instrumentation course that serves multiple Associate and Bachelor of Technology programs. It also improves the instruction of transducer principles and their extension to system applications. By providing students with an instrumentation workstation that functions with numerous built- in transducers in conjunction with data-acquisition hardware and advanced engineering software, basic instrumentation principles are demonstrated. Specifically, this project allows students: * to acquire data from transducers in an automated fashion; * to use their acquired data for further mathematical analysis; * to use their acquired data as a stimulus for theoretical system model evaluations; and * to use their acquired data to support real-time process control experiments. Providing computer-based simulation tools for the evaluation of systems that are too complex to construct in the laboratory, or too expensive and time-intensive to implement in practice, allows students to expand their knowledge of basic course principles to those examples that encompass complex systems encountered in the workplace. ***y