9351652 Tuchman The Department of Biology has a diverse undergraduate curriculum with the majority of the resources directed towards courses and undergraduate research in health-related subjects (e.g. Histology, Vertebrate Physiology, Microbiology, and Neurobiology). We will enhance laboratories in limnology and plant physiology using a configuration of microscopes and video systems that will allow students to study plant cellular process and the aquatic environment. The new laboratories will use a compound microscope that magnifies within the range of 40X to 1670X, including feature for bright field, phase contrast, Nomarski and fluorescence, and a stereoscope that magnifies from 3.8X to 128X including fiber optics. Attached to the microscope stages are video cameras. Each unit also has photographic capabilities. In addition, a video cassette recorder with time-lapse capabilities will be used to record responses to stimuli, behavior, and development. Thus, this equipment will enhance the Department of Biology's ability to provide a current state-of-the-art hands-on education to undergraduate majors interested in pursuing non-health related disciplines. ***