The Chemistry Department is implementing an extensively revised sequence of introductory courses at the freshman level, along with major revisions in its laboratory experiments throughout the four year curriculum. Modern instrumental techniques are being discussed in freshman classes and introduced into the laboratory at appropriate times. In order for magnetic resonance techniques to become an integral part of this sequence of laboratory experiments, a 300 MHz broadband FT NMR spectrometer is being added to the available equipment. Background for NMR is being introduced at the freshman level by focusing on the concept of equivalent nuclei during the discussion of bonding in organic compounds, and the NMR itself is being used by all organic chemistry students. A series of coordinated experiments are being used as stepping stones in the development of NMR in the lab curriculum, beginning with the traditional structural identifications in the 2nd year, progressing through more sophisticated multi--pulse and 2-D experiments, including a molecular dynamics study and multi-- nuclear use, and culminating for many students in the utilization of the NMR in their senior research projects.