9352199 Lincoln An Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer is being introduced as a versatile instrument for a variety of analytical tasks, and a shatter box rock grinder is being used to facilitate sample preparation. Quantitative analysis is being introduced into the geology curriculum in a series of courses, beginning with the high-enrollment Introductory Geology course and culminating in upper-level courses and independent research projects. The Introductory Geology students, predominantly non-majors, are devoting three weeks to projects on water quality, in many cases working cooperatively with City Water Department personnel on real problems in the community. All geology majors are learning principles of instrumental analysis and rock-sample preparation in the Petrology and Optical Mineralogy course. They are applying this to a group project; each year the class will work with a different suite of rocks. Students in Groundwater Geology are having opportunities for more involved cooperation with the City Water Department. Students in Geochemistry and in Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology are engaged in individual research projects. These experiences are encouraging students to conduct independent research projects and submit theses dealing with rock and water chemistry. ***