The mathematics department at Maharishi International University is implementing a plan to improve its undergraduate mathematics program. The primary goals are: (1) to develop in every undergraduate student through a process of exploration and discovery the understanding that the essence of mathematics is the precise quantification of patterns and relationships, and (2) to develop in our mathematics and science students better problem solving skills so that they may successfully apply mathematical concepts to model and solve practical problems.Steps being taken to implement these goals include (1) a revised course content in the mathematics core course taken by all undergraduate students, (2) the development of a general education geometry course aimed at humanities majors, and (3) restructuring of the calculus sequence, including the adoption of the Harvard Consortium Calculus textbook.The computer laboratory includes Macintosh computers running Mathematica and Geometer's Sketchpad. Three primary uses of the computers are (1) to generate examples from which students may observe patterns and make conjectures, (2) to apply graphical, numerical, and symbolic approaches to develop a deeperunderstanding of the important concepts of mathematics and (3) to use technology to more realistically apply these concepts in real-world situations. Mathematica notebooks to accompany the Harvard Consortium Calculus text are also being developed.