The United States Military Academy has implemented a daring and innovative core mathematics program that addresses the 7-into-4 problem and the concerns of the calculus reform movement. A vital element of this program is progressive student development in certain threads of continuity - one of these threads being scientific computing. This project is equipping a computer laboratory/classroom for use in teaching students exciting and innovative uses of technology through structured laboratory instruction. This laboratory is also being used by the Center for Faculty Development to train instructors on how to effectively use technology in teaching mathematics. A third use of this laboratory is in a series of outreach workshops, where the laboratory is being used to "spread the word" both regionally and nationally on the use of technology in teaching mathematics.By implementing this laboratory within their highly structured curriculum, each of the 2250 students enrolled in core mathematics is attending a laboratory session at least 5 times over each of their first four semesters. Thus every graduate of this institution will have at least 20 attendances in this laboratory. Each cadet also has his or her own personal computer. The synergism generated between periodic laboratory attendances and assignments and projects on personal machines is assuring that students use technology in learning mathematics.