9450611 Chittenden The Arkansas Consortium of Chemistry Programs wishes to reorganize their chemistry programs in parallel with the NSF-funded Arkansas Statewide Systemic Initiative for the improvement of science education, an initiative focused principally in the K-12 sector but having 13-16 extensions. The proposed study will have three segments: the reorganization of the curriculum as a whole and of specific courses within the curriculum; attendant changes in the delivery of classroom instruction; and of laboratory instruction. The production of new textual materials will follow from these innovations. The vehicle for promulgating curricular changes and their delivery will be recent advances in computing and communications. We will study technologies such as: distance learning using interactive uplink/downlink systems; computer modelling and simulation; personal computer-based data acquisition/analysis systems for teaching laboratories; chemistry-related computational and drill software, video, and interactive CD-ROM. We propose to include broad, thematic elements in our BS and BSE programs, statewide, in Chemistry and in related programs: biology, engineering, pre-healing arts - pre-med, pre-dent, pre-vet. These common themes, stressed strongly in the lower division courses, will be chosen after careful study of existing and potential model curricula. Particularly stressed will be the theme that contemporary chemistry is conducted as a more interdisciplinary enterprise than current compartmentalized chemistry curricula would suggest. ***