9451296 Diwan The nation's industrial sectors are reiterating the fact that product quality, reliability and cost containment must be vigorously pursued if the United States will continue to be the world's technological leader, and also remain competitive in the market place. This has reawakened a new emphasis on engineering education geared towards design and production. This project proposes to enhance the manufacturing laboratory and curriculum of Southern University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana by adding Computer Numerically Controlled machines. The proposed equipment would enable the faculty: to provide undergraduate students with quality training opportunities and skills that reflect the technological advances in the manufacturing industry; to develop new laboratory courses in computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing - CAD/CAM; to take a step further in developing a strong manufacturing option for undergraduate Engineering and Technology students as well as graduate students in computer science; to strengthen the curriculum, offer students hands-on practical experience, and a familiarity with equipment they will use in the industry; and to enhance the capacity of Southern University to contribute immensely towards the engineering and science educational goals for minorities in Louisiana, and the United States.