9451570 Jameson This proposal is for the assembly of a 200 MHz NMR spectrometer for undergraduate instruction from a decommissioned spectrometer. We propose to utilize only the low-level rf section and the magnet from older systems. The transformation includes a state of the art PC based computer, peripherals, timing section, and pulse programmer. The result will be a high-field spectrometer which will be routinely used in many undergraduate courses. At Loyola University we will transform our pedagogy from one in which hands-on NMR spectroscopy is almost non-existent in the beginning Organic courses into one in which a high-field spectrometer plays a routine and integral part of the course, separating acquisition from processing, thereby making possible 25 student spectra in one hour of laboratory. In Instrumental Analysis the students will understand the conversion between time and frequency domain data. They will delve into understanding the manner in which optimal control of experimental parameters is related to instrument design. We wish to have our undergraduate students become more sophisticated in the use of NMR spectroscopy so that their undergraduate research will be significantly enriched, and make them better prepared for their future chemistry careers. We suggest that assembling an NMR spectrometer for undergraduate instruction from existing commercial modules is quite possible, well within the competence of capable spectroscopists (NMR or not) or Instrumental Analysis instructor. We will demonstrate that a spectrometer can be obtained for a cost well below $100,000. Ten year old (entirely serviceable) 4.7T magnets (200 Mhz 1H) are becoming available from the decommissioning of older instruments, prices ($15-35K) depending on availability, extras and demand. An extremely useful instructional tool is possible.