9451804 Alauddin The project will purchase a state-of-the-art atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The introduction of new laboratory experiments will facilitate student understanding of this technology and its broad application in all fields of materials analysis. The undergraduate analytical chemistry curriculum will be enhanced by incorporating the spectrophotometer into the laboratory courses of Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis and Instrumental Analysis for majors and Physical Science for non-majors. In addition, this acquisition will significantly enhance the undergraduate research capability. The spectrophotometer will provide hands-on training for students. It will also afford a number of capabilities which are not available to them at present, such as, calibration, background correction, data storage, editing, reporting and software control. Students will use the equipment for trace element analysis of soil, water, rocks and hair samples. Having performed these analyses the students will be made aware of practical application of the technique in chemical industries and research laboratories in solving problems of environmental, biological and geological significance. The project will provide a wide variety of student experiences which will emphasize operation and application of the instrument.