9452058 Hawkins This project provides students with the use of solid modeling software techniques to create both Machine and Architectural/Civil designs on RISC 6OOO computers. The integrity of these designs will be analyzed using materials analysis software. Three-dimensional wire-frame drawings will also be created. These wire-frame drawings will be projected into two dimensional drawings when appropriate. After intellectual property protection (also a part of this class) has been addressed, the design ramifications and the results of the design analysis will be communicated to the class using formal academic papers and presentations. If the design is of sufficient quality and innovation, it will then be submitted to manufacturers. Designs in the initial year of funding will involve materials handling options. These Designs will be created which facilitate those covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act to perform shipping and receiving tasks. This proposal also includes a three-year study designed to evaluate workable hardware/software options when teaching solid modeling. By combining solid modeling, wire-frame construction, design theory/problem solving, journal creation, communications of the design and the implications of intellectual property protection, this capstone class provides a culmination of the baccalaureate experience.