This proposal addresses the critical necessity of introduction of Concurrent and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) into the manufacturing engineering technology curriculum. A need for engineering workstations arose to teach these topics. The computer equipment presently on hand is limited to IBM Compatible and Apple microcomputers. The following will be accomplished as a result of the proposed project: i) Teach Finite Element Analysis (FE A), which is a fundamental CAE concept that is vitally important to accomplish rigorous and thorough engineering analysis and design. ii) Run Mechanical Design Automation (MDA) software which is essential to implement Concurrent Engineering in a Computer Integrated enterprise. MDA software, on account of their size and processing requirements, are run on UNIX based engineering workstation platforms. iii) Model true 3D solids and complex surfaces which is required for mass property evaluation, generation of sculpted surfaces for tool and mold design, rapid prototype generation, and simulation of cutter paths in NC. iv) Issue projects in plant simulation that are so essential to achieving productivity enhancements in a dynamic manufacturing environment.