9452624 Movasseghi CUNY Medgar Evers College is establishing an advanced mathematics computer laboratory for instruction in the calculus sequence and higher level mathematics courses. The laboratory is staffed by a full-time laboratory technician, presently on the staff of the Department of Mathematics. The labs are being supervised by a part time lab technician during the evenings and on Saturdays. The ends for hiring this staff member are requested in this proposal. The laboratory is being used as a teaching classroom as well as a working laboratory, permitting instruction to take place there or in other existing laboratory for courses that including precalculus, calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and other higher level mathematics courses. In particular, minority students who make up a large component of the student body, are being prepared for careers in mathematics, engineering, and science related fields. With the acquisition of new equipment and utilization of Mathematica and Maple, they are demonstrating important ideas for mathematics courses and allowing students to experiment and discover mathematics for themselves. In addition, students are learning two powerful software which is better preparing them for their professional careers.