A two day invitational workshop is being held to examine critical issues relating to environmental technology education. The workshop involves postsecondary educators in the fields of mathematics, science, environmental education, and technology as well as employers, secondary school educators, and government representatives. Forum participants, working in one of six technical groups, are identifying and prioritizing issues and developing recommendations concerning Environmental Technology education at two-year colleges. Each working group is being directed by a technical working group chair recognized as an expert in a particular area. The working groups are addressing issues in the professionalization of environmental technician education; curriculum and program development and implementation; preparation, credentials, professional advancement, and continuing education of faculty; human resources including recruitment, retention, and placement of students; current and future employment needs for environmental technicians; and preparation of secondary school students for successful entry into postsecondary environmental technical education programs. The workshop report is being distributed to academic institutions and the private sector as well as local and federal government staff interested in environmental technology education. Planning and implementation of the forum is a cooperative effort involving the NSF Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center (ATEEC), the Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute (HMTRI), the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), and the National Science Foundation (NSF).