Two groups of eighteen college astronomy faculty will come to the Center for Astrophics (CfA) in June 1995. Each group will participate in a week-long workshop that will include daily lectures and training sessions and nighttime observing. While at the Center, faculty will be taught the rudiments of CCD (charged coupled device) operation, techniques of image reduction and photometric measurement, image processing techniques and data reduction. In addition to CCD photometry, photoelectric photometry will also be covered for observing occultations, and for people who wish to use photoelectric photometers. The participants will be given information on hardware and software available for small telescopes, and will get experience in using that equipment at the telescopes at the CfA's Oak Ridge Observatory. They will interact with faculty who have conducted successful research programs at other small colleges, and with scientists who have programs that utilize data taken with small telescopes. They will learn about on-line resources for research. And they will discuss how to fund their work, write grant proposals, and report their work in journals. Participant time will generally be evenly divided between lectures (during morning and early afternoon session) and application (at evening observing sessions). The participants will also be encouraged to develop one short set of instructional materials or outline a student project based on their research interest. The format has evolved from previous workshops.