9455740 Ryan The project is producing several SVHS video tapes containing short animated sequences to illustrate the applications of physics in modern technology at a level suitable for introductory physics courses. Although the primary audience consists of undergraduate college students, the video tapes are also useful for high school science students. The tapes are being prepared primarily through the use of computer animation and SVHS video recording. Each tape contains 5-10 minute expositions of several devices such as compact discs, photocopier, telecommunication devices, computer chips, computer displays and key boards, scanners, laser printers, fiber optics, medical devices etc. These tapes will ultimately be converted into laser disks by a commercial agency. Laser disks have been chosen as the final product since they offer the most flexibility and usefulness as an instructional medium. This project helps bridge the gap between physics and technology by bringing physics-based industrial and practical applications to the introductory physics classroom. The teaching of such applications in physics courses is essential in order that students understand the value and use of physics in real life and should also make the physics learning process more enjoyable and easier. Most physics instructors at present do not devote much time to technological applications primarily because of class time considerations. However with proper audio-visual means most technological applications can be described in short animated sequences of about 5-10 minutes each. Once completed, these disks will be very useful for supplementing physics instruction.