9550658 Weiler The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography proposes to hold a workshop on the use of emerging computer technologies and aquatic science data bases as undergraduate teaching resources. These tools enable any student with access to the internet and the appropriate software, regardless of geographic location, to both access and manipulate some the exceptional data bases presently available through the Internet or on CD ROM. The interactive capability of Mosaic will enable students to ask their own questions and manipulate data sets in ways of their own choosing, and on a scale not possible with traditional student laboratory or field experiments. This is an exciting and challenging new way to introduce students to the power of the scientific method. The workshop will bring together educators and data base managers to discuss the emerging technologies in the context of undergraduate teaching, to obtain hands-on experience with some of the existing data bases, to develop a resource guide aquatic science information presently available on CD ROM and the Internet, and to develop recommendations on how best to assemble or enhance resources for use in interactive hands-on undergraduate aquatic science education. Facilities will also be provided for materials used for undergraduate aquatic science education and for sharing slide and video materials used for undergraduate courses. The workshop, to be held in conjunction with the Society's annual meeting (June 11- 15, 1995 Reno, Nevada).