This project establishes an undergraduate neurophysiology laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with four-student electrophysiology rigs, including microscopes, intra- and extra-cellular amplifiers, Apple computers, and MacLab software. This laboratory serves students who major in neuroscience, psychology, and biology and is used in both lower- and upper- division courses. It is used to demonstrate experiments to first-year students and to allow them to conduct a simple experiment. In the upper-division course, Fundamentals of Neurophysiology, the rigs are used for a series of challenging laboratories that teach students how to use the equipment, design experiments, analyze data, and present their results both orally and in writing. The exercises focus on invertebrate preparations and emphasize the principles of both cellular and behavioral neuroscience. The laboratories bring to life concepts that students only read about until now and should encourage some to pursue further studies in neurophysiology. During the academic year and summer, many students conduct independent research under the supervision of faculty members. The rigs are available for such projects and for students who focus on neurophysiology for their senior theses. Finally, the PI can use the equipment to develop new neuroethological preparations suitable for undergraduate laboratories.