Mary J. Abraham DUE 9551243 WESTERN IOWA TECH FY1995 $ 16,659 Sioux City, IA 511020265 ILI - Instrumentation Project: Chemistry Title: Modular Chemistry Laboratory for Community College Students An FT-IR, gas chromatograph, and supporting computers and computer software are being used in a modular course in instrumental analysis. The course is being offered in three modules of 5-weeks each to non-science majors, electronic engineering technology students, and internationally educated students who have had little opportunity to use laboratory equipment. High school students as well as technicians working in local industries have opportunities to learn to use the equipment as well. The project is having a significant impact on undergraduate students by providing access to science within a positive, non-intimidating environment. The challenge is to provide learning experiences and curricular content that are relevant, learner-friendly, interesting, and exciting, and which stimulate the interest of non-science students to enroll in subsequent science courses. A pre and post survey will be given to assess the student interest/knowledge in science. The impact of the project will be disseminated to regional and national ACS and science education conferences.