Shiladitya DasSarma DUE 9551531 U of Massachusetts Amherst FY1995 $273,459 Amherst, MA 1003 ILI - Leadership in Laboratory Development: Life Sciences Title: Intelligent Tutor for Concepts in Molecular Genetics This project is developing a computer laboratory fop tutoring undergraduate students in fundamental concepts of molecular genetics. The topics covered include (a) DNA structure and replication, (b) RNA transcription, translation, and splicing, (c) genetic recombination, repair, and transposition, (d) genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology, and (e) modern genomic analysis and societal implications. The major challenges in teaching these fundamental genetic concepts to undergraduates are (1) transmitting the visual imagery of dynamic molecular processes, (2) providing a solid intellectual framework to explore interrelationships between genetic processes, and (3) at more advanced levels, conveying the experimental basis for evolution of genetic principles. The project exploits recent advances in computer hardware (increased memory size and data storage) and software (intelligent tutoring systems) to develop a multimedia tutorial package which conveys the visual imagery, conceptual relationships, and experimental basis of molecular genetics in a deeper and more effective manner than currently possible through lectures or textbooks. The electronic tutor, named "MOLGENT", is being tested during its developmental phase, in a variety of undergraduate classes, including introductory biology, microbiology, and molecular and cellular biology courses, and an innovative senior-level course entitled "Concepts in Molecular Genetics" at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The effectiveness of tutorials is being monitored and improved through student discuss ion groups. Once developed, the prototype software will be promoted via demonstrations at the educational section of meetings of biological societies (e.g. American Society for Microbiology, Genetics Society of America, and American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and distributed broadly via publishers.