The Mathematics Department is standardizing its departmental efforts around the computer algebra system MATHEMATICA and extending use of its computer laboratory to courses in differential equations, linear algebra, mathematical modeling, and other appropriate offerings. The objective of the project is that mathematics majors be thoughtful and creative users of MATHEMATICA both to enhance their course learning and to promote effective application of technology throughout their scientific careers. To achieve this goal the univeristy plans to use, refine, and test existing laboratory materials and to continue the development of its own course module materials. The university anticipates that these materials will have wide national circulation. Equipment needs include (1) 15 Power Macintosh computers for mathematics computer laboratories, (2) 3 Power Macintosh computers for the Mathematics Resource Center, (3) computing and display equipment in two classrooms for class demonstrations, and (4) compatible computing equipment in three faculty offices to facilitate one-on-one interaction between faculty and students. This equipment is networked to provide a maximally supportive environment for development and use of materials in appropriate mathematics courses.