MP-IDEA focuses on precalculus classes and is supported by industry partners and by an emerging network of regional colleges. MP-IDEA has 4 components: (1) design precalculus courses that are relevant, that are realistic, and that give students skills and concepts to succeed in future math courses and in the workplace; (2) incorporate the intelligent use of modern technology into the math classroom, specifically, graphing calculators and computers; (3) incorporate alternative assessment practices in the mathematics classroom, specifically, the introduction of industry-based student research projects; (4) incorporate cooperative learning techniques in the mathematics classroom, thus improving student attitudes, achievement, and interpersonal skills. This project improves mathematics instruction, implements six recommendations of the SCANS report, and serves as a regional model for improvement in postsecondary mathematics instruction. An exceptional element of MP-IDEA is educational partnerships with engineers and scientists at regional industries. These volunteers consult with MP-IDEA faculty to write industry-based math projects specific to the math that students in precalculus courses are learning. The math projects encourage cooperative learning, introduce students to modern technology, and provide a relevant means of assessing student learning.