Robert S. Lishak DUE 9552313 Auburn University FY1995 $ 34,900 Auburn, AL 36849 ILI - IP Life Sciences Title: The Lux Genes: A New Light on Introductory Biology Laboratories This project enhances and modernizes General Biology labs for three courses by allowing the permanent establishment of a series of molecular biology experiments that have been conducted on a trial basis for the past 2 years. Students from science and nonscience curricula have been conducting exercises to learn more about genes and their expression through the genetic transformation of E. coli with plasmids containing the genes that are responsible for bioluminescence. When transformed colonies are observed in a darkened room, their bioluminescent glow elicits "wows" and "oohs" from observers, adding to the excitement associated with learning about new biotechnologies. Each year the project affects approximately 2500 college students including 150-200 preservice teachers. Additionally, each year 48 precollege students (grades 8-12) and their science teachers are exposed to the aforementioned experiments. Through this project, sufficient equipment is funded to continue the current transformation experiment and to reduce team sizes such that all students are able to get "hands-on" experience. In addition, implementation of additional exercises in restriction endonuclease digestion, gel electrophoresis, and gene regulation is possible.