The proposed project involves the development of a "Welding Lab on Disk," a sophisticated interactive computer simulation software package, to supplement and complement hands-on welding laboratory experiences for welding technology students. The project integrates the development of instructional media, teacher enhancement, and instrumentation and laboratory improvement via a coalition of Northern Illinois University, and Rock Valley College, a two-year community college in the northern Illinois region. The goals of the project are to enhance students' understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of advanced welding technology, to minimize laboratory-related costs, hazards, and environmental pollution, to motivate teachers via application of computer simulation and research participation, and to attract women and minorities into advanced technology programs. Preliminary development and research findings, documented by the recent publications of the principal investigator, have shown that the proposed computer software package will result in good engineering economy and high pedagogical effectiveness. An advisory and evaluation board of outside experts will provide additional expertise and experience. The proposed project will complement future research and development activities leading to "Advanced Technology Labs on Disk."