Terry Brase DUE 9553751 Hawkeye Community College FY1995 $ 200,000 Waterloo, IA 50704 Advanced Technological Education Title: Development of a Two-year Associate Degree in Agricultural Technology Hawkeye Community College is preparing to develop and distribute the curriculum for an associate degree in Agricultural Technology. In the past two years rapid changes have occurred in technology in the field of food systems. Technology changes involving biotechnology, chemical usage, GPS/GIS satellites, and computer/telecommunication networks will continue into the next century. For farmers to remain competitive in the food industry, they and the food systems sales and service people supporting them, must be trained in this new technology. "There will be fewer and larger farm operations, still individually owned and operated by families, but more businesslike...And to be profitable, the farmer will have to use technology" (KSU AE REPORT, Fall 1994). Hawkeye Community College proposes to plan and test an innovative 63 credit hour curriculum which would link the agricultural and business experience with technology. The curriculum and all support materials would then be used in expanding articulation agreements with the secondary schools and four year institutions including a land grant university who are interested in updating agricultural curriculum into food systems. The materials would also be disseminated through national education associations, journals, and telecommunication system.