Ethics and Biotechnology: A Blueprint for the Future Catherine Propst DUE-9554445 Northwestern University $69,980 Center for Biotechnology Special Project 2153 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 This is a proposal to conduct a workshop on Ethics and Biotechnology: A Blueprint for the future. The directors of the Biotechnology Center at Northwestern University will collaborate with the Executive Officer at Palomar College, a two year college in San Marcos, California and with Providence St. Mel, an inner city high school in Chicago. The workshop, will be held July 6-7, 1995, at Northwestern University's Evanston Campus, is designed to provide a blueprint for the incorporation of ethics in the teaching, practice and management of biotechnology. The information will be used to add to the biotechnology curricula for technician education and to encourage joint efforts by secondary schools, two-year colleges, four-year colleges and universities, and industry. In addition, it will provide a mechanism to develop creative ways for this information to be taught, practiced, and managed in their respective institutions.