This project focuses on two week summer workshops (Summers 1996 and 1997) and follow-through activities during the following academic year and summer on the integration of Ada as a software development tool into all levels of the computer science curriculum. The workshop covers material on software engineering, the design and development of Ada programs, techniques for integrating software engineering and Ada into computer science courses, resources and educational materials for using Ada in undergraduate courses, hands-on lab activities using Ada, and the development of a curriculum project which utilizes Ada. The workshop contains a significant laboratory component that is designed to complement the lecture material and include classroom tested lab activities and typical assignments. The first week of the workshop emphasizes the early portion of a typical computer science curriculum. The topics for this week are based on the traditional paradigm of structured analysis and design. The second week emphasizes the upper levels of the computer science curriculum. Object-oriented design and the corresponding features of Ada 95 will be introduced and contrasted to traditional software design and development. Ada tasks will be introduced as the basis for studying concurrent programming. Graphics packages and the realtime aspects of Ada programming will also be introduced. The curriculum activities for the workshop include (1) the proposal of a curriculum project to be completed during the academic year following the workshop, (2) discussion groups in which issues, assignments, and resources for using Ada in an educational setting are explored, and (3) interaction with an expert on using Ada in the computer science curriculum. An electonic follow-up session is planned in Fall 1997 following the workshop to present and discuss completed curriculum projects and to develop products and plans for the dissemination of results from the curriculum projects. Results wil l be presented in SIGCSE forums