As part of a strategic plan to restructure the biology curriculum to emphasize ways that scientists gain knowledge, the Dept. of Biological Sciences at Feffis State University will revise the one-year introductory biology course to permit students to experience the methods of science-- formulating and testing hypotheses, designing and conducting experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and communicating results. The course will forge connections to other disciplines and emphasize investigation. Professors from a wide range of disciplines will discuss research-based CASE STUDIES with student research teams and share interpretations of lab experiments via an e-mail BIONETWORK on the University's WWW home page. The conceptual theme of the course will the biological effects of LIGHT. Prospective biology teachers, biotechnology and applied biology majors will be involved in the development and pilot testing of the labs, then as research mentors to each of the lab sections. Prospective biology teachers will be assigned to a special lab section of area high school students enrolled under an educational partnership. A major goal is to develop a series of RESEARCH CORES--systems that offer multiple options for student research teams to design and conduct an experiment, analyze the data and present their results using a multimedia "poster" There will be four 4- week research units per semester, one in each of the following areas--in genetics/cell biology, plant/animal physiology, ecology/behavior, and evolution. A development team representing the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography and education will develop the case studies and research cores with the assistance of biology education, biotechnology and applied biology majors.