We propose the development, offerings and assessment of a series of writing-intensive, interdisciplinary science courses and related activities constituting "The Wesleyan Science Writing Program" (WSWP), designed to complement department-based undergraduate science instruction by emphasizing the development of effective oral and written communication skills as methodologies for the discovery of ideas and critical exploration of scientific topics. The program will also provide opportunities for both science and non-science majors to investigate critically and collaboratively the practices of science by "teaching the conflict" on various scientific topics and cultural studies of science, and establishing a cross-disciplinary community of learning among students and faculty from diverse disciplines. Students may pursue a "Science Writing" major and senior thesis in the WSWP. Additionally, students with career interests in scientific and technical writing will receive instruction and credentialing appropriate at the appropriate undergraduate level. Courses will also be open to non-science students to fulfill Wesleyan University's general education expectations. The WSWP will also serve as a structure within which research-active science faculty with a background and interest in writing and the liberal arts, as well as humanities faculty and writing professionals, can apply innovative teaching strategies such as active, cooperative and collaborative learning, case method teaching, and discussion-based instruction, and expand the ways in which state-of-the-art electronic technologies are utilized to enhance instruction. The results of the program will be disseminated through both printed and electronic media. In this manner, and to the extent that it is demonstrably successful, the WSWP will provide a model for programs at other institutions interested in establishing a similar program.