Title: Business Alliance for Advanced Technological Education This two year project will establish the Business Alliance for Advanced Technological Education. It will develop school-to-work projects focused on technician education at four partnership sites: Siemens and East Wake High School in Raleigh, NC; Novell and Ford and the Virginia Beach Public Schools inn Virginia Beach, VA; Pratt and Whitney/UTC and the Manchester Public Schools, and the Hartford Community and Technical College in Hartford, CT; and Procter & Gamble and the Northern Tier Industry Education Consortium in Mehoopany, PA. The project is guided by a National Advisory Committee of educators, business people and policy-makers. The Alliance will be supported by an On-Site Assistance Group which will conduct site visits, provide technical assistance, facilitate cross-learning among sites, and ensure that worksites are connected with local postsecondary institutions. A Project Team will coordinate the development of curriculum and instructional materials, teacher and faculty enhancement and creation of technical experiences for students. Each year's activities are centered on a theme.