An invitational Forum on Teacher Preparation for Deans of Science and of Education will be conducted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science from February 21-23, 1996. Fifty institutional teams (each composed of a dean of education and a dean of science from major research universities and comprehensive universities with large teacher preparation programs) will attend the meeting to consider ways in which collaborations among their academic divisions and school personnel can better prepare future teachers of K-12 science and mathematics. The purposes of the Forum are (1) to present a summary of the research results on the teaching and learning of science and mathematics; (2) to consider exemplary teacher preparation programs that model collaboration among university science and education departments and local schools or school districts; (3) to engage the deans in discussion of the issues associated with the design and implementation of such exemplary programs; and (4) to inform the deans of opportunities, such as the National Science Foundation's Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation program, to engage in large-scale systemic projects designed to change significantly teacher preparation programs, on a state or regional basis, which will serve as comprehensive national models. Participants will receive background information prior to the meeting. Based upon discussions and models presented at the Forum, a workbook, including recommendations for collaborations and the components of model teacher preparation programs, will be produced and made available to participants and others interested in improving teacher preparation.