The primary objective of this project is to create an interactive and comprehensive body of materials on the World Wide Web (WWW) for the CS1 and CS2 courses. This body of materials is being produced through the collaboration of faculty already using the WWW extensively in courses; however, the proposed work is distinctive both in its use of CGI and JAVA to create interactive materials and in the level of integration of WWW applications into the course. Uses of the WWW currently under development include interactive lab documents and student-created pages. Interactive lab documents involve students solving problems, submitting answers, and receiving immediate feedback; demonstrate the desired behavior of programming assignments with links to CGI or JAVA programs; accept a student's program and give feedback on programming style; and enable students to cut and paste code into a terminal window through which they can modify, compile, and run programs. Student created pages are used to design programs and write up research results. This project benefits the students by making information about the courses more accessible and more engaging. Course materials posted on the WWW can generate more enthusiasm about the course, and assist students in previewing course materials and making up missed work. However, the benefits are not limited to the students. The project also encourages collaboration among computer science faculty on this campus and on other campuses. Of particular interest are the benefits that result from area community colleges implementing equivalent CS1 and CS2 courses and having access to these course materials.