For the past several years, the Chemistry Department has been engaged in a program to modernize its facilities and instrumentation. A new organic lab has been built. The chemistry storage area, preproom, balance room, and instrumentation room have all been remodeled and updated. New instruments have been purchased including two infrared spectrometers, an ultra-violet-visible spectrophotometer, two high pressure liquid chromatographs, and a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. Acquiring a new atomic absorption (AA) spectrometer is the next logical step in this modernization program. It is the perfect addition to the department's array of state-of-the-art equipment. Recent chemical education literature has stressed the need to improve student interest and success in general chemistry courses. One way to do this is through active participation in laboratory experiments that have an obvious relevance to everyday life. Direct, hands-on experience with AA can spark interest in learning science while teaching basic instrumentation and research skills to undergraduate chemistry students. The plan to use AA spectroscopy involves its immediate implementation in the laboratory component of three freshman-level chemistry courses.