The project consists of enhancing the laboratory content of an existing biochemical engineering course. The bio-engineering laboratory is being used in three separate week-long experiments and one quarter-long independent research project. The three basic modules are as follows: (1.) Basic Techniques_safety and culture of different types of cell using sterile technique; (2.) Biomolecular Separation_protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis along with polysaccharide separation using open column GPC; (3.) Microbial Fermentation_Quantification of growth parameters and mathematically modeling of the reactor. The independent project is open ended and determined by the student within the timed budget constraints of the course. This project takes a minimum of 30 hours to complete and requires an oral presentation of the results. Major pieces of equipment required for support of this course include a water purification system, laminar flow hood, -80+C freezer, an Inverted phase contrast microscope, and a personal computer. This equipment can be utilized by other laboratory courses in biology chemistry and chemical engineering.These improvements can result in graduates of chemical engineering who are more prepared to work with scientists with bioscience backgrounds.