Until recently, the presentation of an integrated view of plant function in the laboratory has been hindered by a lack of instrumentation. Students learn about cellular and molecular aspects of plant physiological processes in the course of discovery-based laboratory experiences, but they have had limited opportunities to extend these experimental studies to the organismal level. This project is now revising the plant biology laboratory experiences so that students will come to understand the importance of making connections between the levels of organization inherent in living organisms. They will also gain an appreciation of the influence of specific environmental conditions at all levels of plant function, from both laboratory and field studies. The implementation of this new laboratory curriculum will require portable instrumentation to measure chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange, transpiration, and plant water potential. The addition of this equipment will enable students to measure various aspects of photosynthesis and plant water relations in the laboratory, greenhouse, and field. In addition to these scientific goals, this new curriculum will provide new opportunities for discovery-based learning and promote the formation of communities of learners and teachers.