The Department of Mathematics at Mt. San Antonio College has begun revitalizing its calculus courses by integrating, as the available technology permits, some of the curricular modifications recommended in the recent NCTM standards. Unfortunately, the Statistics and Business Calculus courses, which are required for all Business Management students and is recommended for all other Management Science students, have not been significantly altered from the traditional lecture format. In conversations with Business faculty at neighboring 4-year universities and with former students, it has become apparent that there is a need for an overhaul of the present courses. As a means of addressing the problem, this project seeks to establish a multimedia computer classroom/laboratory and a multimedia presentation classroom, allowing for a complete restructuring of Business Calculus and Statistics courses. This restructuring includes multimedia presentation of course materials, continuous curriculum development through student projects and presentations, and ongoing student-generated development of an Internet-accessible Multimedia Problems/Solutions Bank. This project is intended to make Business Calculus and Statistics more "problem/solution" oriented with an emphasis placed on actual data and problems derived from real business settings.