The Mathematics Department is enhancing the quality of instruction in the Algebra, Precalculus, and Calculus courses by acquiring sets of graphing calculators (TI-80s, TI-85s, and TI-92s) and a laptop computer for use in these classes. From their research into current trends in mathematics education, their communication with mathematics educators through the internet, and through regional and national conferences, the members of the Mathematics Department recognize that the lack of modern technology available to these classes constitutes a serious deficiency in the mathematics education program at the college and creates a disadvantage for its students. It is the goal of the Mathematics Department to offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date program available to meet the academic needs of a highly diverse student population, including a high percentage of financially disadvantaged students (34 percent of the student population is on financial aid). To implement this goal, the department is purchasing the necessary technological equipment for student use. The hope is that, at the end of one semester, `students will use appropriate technology to enhance their mathematical thinking and understanding and to solve mathematical problems and judge the reasonableness of their results` (Crossroads in Mathematics, AMATYC).