In recent years, the Biology Department has undergone considerable modernization, including the acquisition of new equipment for courses in cellular-molecular physiology. Through this project, a course is being established to enable undergraduates to study basic cellular and molecular processes in physiology using modern instrumentation. As part of the class, students are performing a variety of critical experiments to help them understand how to approach problems in physiology using modern equipment. After mastering the instrumentation through supervision, students are designing their own research projects based on a survey of the literature. The final examination in the course is an oral presentation given to and evaluated by a group of peers. In addition to technical knowledge, students who enroll in this class are developing skills in experimental design and hypothesis testing. The new equipment is being shared with physiology, development, and cell and molecular biology courses. For students pursuing summer research opportunities, the equipment is being made available for their training prior to the experience. It is enriching the curriculum in biomedical education for about 340 students. *