This project addresses the problem of developing within young women scientists the confidence in using up-to-date research instrumentation that can foster their career goals and encourage them to seek graduate and professional education. The objective is for each of the science majors to become competent in using the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS), understanding its theoretical foundation and practical applications. This project provides a major piece of equipment needed by the chemistry program. This project permits an orderly incorporation of GC-MS throughout the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. GC-MS experiments are presented for laboratory courses throughout the 4-year chemistry program. All of the undergraduate students at the college are women. A significant percentage are identified as members of a minority group. An arrangement made with the Chemistry Department at another college involves site visits to this college for the instruction of their students on the GC-MS. Additionally, the instrument permits continued development of microscale experiments in the areas of organic, inorganic, and environmental chemistry. *