Electronic measuring and data collection has been used in manufacturing to increase productivity, ensure quality control, and reduce manufacturing costs. In order to compete for jobs, graduates in Machine Tool Technology, Engineering Design Graphics, and Mechanical Engineering Technology programs must become proficient in the use of these measuring tools and gain an understanding of how the data are used in the manufacturing process. Through the development of a Model Dimensional Measurement Laboratory, the college is able to integrate measuring technology throughout the various technology programs. This project is designed to incorporate state-of-the-art dimensional measuring instruments into the technology programs at the college. Through the use of both mechanical and digital dimensional measuring instruments, students have more exposure to advanced instrumentation that is used by industry leaders, come to understand the metric system of measuring and its purpose in the manufacturing and engineering community, learn theory and application of data collection equipment as applied to Statistical Process Control in manufacturing, and include the development of a laboratory manual that utilizes the instruments in the Dimensional Measurement Laboratory and provides experiences for students with using metric measuring techniques. *