This residential college for women is acquiring, through this project, an HP-GCD high performance gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS) system. Chemistry students at all levels can use the instrument to discover and learn the principles and techniques of chromatographic separation and analysis by mass spectrometry. Specific applications for the GC-MS throughout the curriculum include use in student-designed research projects in the general chemistry course; general introduction to the principles of operation of a GC-MS and its application to reaction product analysis in the organic chemistry laboratory; theory, operation, and optimization of a GC-MS and its analytical applications in the instrumental analysis laboratory; use as a substance identification tool in the analysis of water and soil samples in the environmental chemistry and biology laboratories; correlation of theoretically predicted fragmentation patterns with experimental MS data in the physical chemistry laboratory; and essential laboratory instrument for independent study and summer research projects, especially for those projects involving environmental and synthetic organic chemistry. *