Field experiences in hydrogeology and environmental science can be substantially strengthened with expansion of the university's capabilities to study surface and subsurface water. This project provides a groundwater well, nested piezometers, an automatic sampler, and associated peripherals (pumps, data logger, etc.). The field site where these are installed is used by undergraduates in geology and environmental science courses, by visiting secondary school students, and by undergraduates from other institutions. Class exercises and student research projects include the delineation of three-dimensional flow patterns for local groundwater, development of groundwater and surface water hydrographs, study of the chemical evolution of subsurface water, and quantification of quickflow and baseflow contributions to a local stream. Use of this field site ensures that students have a solid understanding of the physical and chemical behavior of subsurface water in the saturated and unsaturated zones and of the interaction between subsurface flow and surface water bodies. *