This project is a joint effort of faculty from the Departments of Mathematics/Computer Science and Middle-Secondary Education/Instructional Technology. The project improves learning in mathematics and computer science courses, especially courses taken by preservice teachers, through the development of World Wide Web-based course materials, tools, and methods and a synthesis of visual and analytic pedagogical strategies. The work is part of a general project to reconceptualize undergraduate mathematics and science courses by coordinating pedagogy with methods taught in the College of Education. A combination of INTEL-based Windows NT workstations and Silicon Graphics UNIX workstations are used in a dedicated laboratory and an open technology center. The project develops and implements teaching methods using materials which are designed for this equipment. The work is conducted by interdisciplinary teams from mathematics, computer science, and education. This structure can continue to direct the production and application of an integrated collection of information, dynamic applications, and tools that enhance teachers' ability to teach and improve their understanding of how students learn. *