To meet the demand for highly trained technicians in photonics (optics, lasers, fiber optics) improved classroom, texts and tutorial materials in laser and fiber-optics will be developed and used to train technicians in the Laser and Fiber-Optic Technology Program (LFOT) at Queensborough Community College (QCC) and at other institutions in the region. To meet the needs of the industry, the QCC LFOT advisory board of representatives from local companies will be consulted throughout the development process. Multimedia courseware, interactive video, on-line laboratory manuals, remote laboratory access through PC driven instrumentation and shared facilities, will be used to train technicians at QCC and other institutions. By making the computer-based materials available on CD-ROM, students will have access to the computer-based materials with or without connecting to the QCC physics department network. Students at remote locations (schools other than QCC) will use the access to the QCC network for direct real-time contact with instructors and laboratories. The materials developed and tested at QCC will be used for training of students through distance learning at Suffolk Community College (SCC). The distance learning approach will then be expanded to other regional colleges. Student internships will be provided by industry and research institutions, and their performance evaluated as part of an ongoing evaluation of the program. Regional and national workshops will be used to disseminate the materials and help establish similar networks of colleges nationally.