The proposed biotechnology program consists of 3 semesters of sequential core courses, which when combined with the appropriate general education courses may earn an AS degree in Biotechnology. The program was developed along NSE recommendations, will operate with Tech Prep programs in local high schools and culminate with required internships at industrial locations. Articulation of the core courses with 4-year colleges and universities will provide students with additional degree and/or career options. Valuable input and direction were received from individuals in successful biotechnology programs at other California community colleges, the Southern and Central California Biotechnology Centers, several transfer institutions and local industries. The program involves cooperative teaching by chemistry, agriculture and biology faculty. Collectively, these departments serve more than 1,300 students annually who might benefit from the biotechnology program. The Science and Engineering facilities are scheduled for safety upgrade renovations to begin in January, 1998, and plans include converting one laboratory for biotechnology. However, without external finding the start of the program will be delayed. The equipment needs for such a program include electrophoresis, thermocycler, rotary shaker(s), micropipets, refrigerated micro-centrifuge. Funding of this project will provide students with increased hands-on learning meaningful to transfer requirements, more diversified student choices beyond the impacted allied health programs now available, and comprehensive problem-solving activities in traditional courses.